Cataract is a common eye condition which is clouding of the eye lens causing the decrease in vision. It could appear in both eyes and is generally developed slowly overtime. The most common cause associated with cataract is aging but cataract conditions could also appear from birth or after trauma or radiation exposure.
Statistics show that cataract counts for half of the blindness cases worldwide. It is also the leading cause of other visual impairments worldwide.

The most common symptoms include
- Cloudy or foggy vision
- Vision issues even with prescribes glasses or lenses
- Inability to see far objects or Nearsightedness
- Difficulty in vision at night
- Glare especially during night driving
- Difficulty in identifying colors

Can Cataract be Prevented?
No studies show that cataract can be prevented by medicine.
Phaco Technology

Phacoemulsification or Phaco means emulsification or liquefaction of the natural lens of the eye. This is the latest cataract surgery technique involving state of the art technology which has improved the safety and efficacy of the surgery. The feature of modern Phaco equipment provides better control for surgeons.

Why Phaco Technology is preferred over conventional cataract surgery?

- The conventional cataract surgery involves bigger incision and also requires multiple stitches for closure, so that patient takes more recovery time (No faster recovery).
- The circular opening of the anterior lens capsule as compared to the irregular opening in conventional cataract surgery results in greater stability of the IOL.
- The incidence of surgically induced corneal astigmatism is less with phacoemulsification, thus reducing dependence on glasses after the surgery.
- Phaco Technology involves many benefits over conventional cataract surgery. Major benefits are faster recovery, fewer chances of complications, less hospital stay and better results.
- In phaco technology, risk of severe sight-threatening complications like vitreous loss, cystoid macular edema, wound leak, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis are very less, thereby increasing the safety and efficacy of the cataract surgery.
Advantages of Phaco Technology

Phacoemulsification or Phaco has become the gold standard for cataract surgery due to various outstanding advantages such as:
- The most remarkable advantage is the visual rehabilitation. Patients can choose special lenses that can correct for distance alone (Monofocal lenses), near and distance both (multifocal lenses) and even astigmatism (toric lenses).
- Involves smaller incisions only
- Provides better, clearer & brighter vision
- Faster recovery. Patients can resume their light activities within 2-3 days of surgery.

Different types of Intraocular lenses (IOLs) that can be implanted in the eyes
- Monofocal Lens
Monofocal Lenses are traditional intraocular lenses and they have been used since longer time. They have equal refractive power in all the regions of the eye and a single zone of clear focus thus producing sharpest vision from a determined distance. Patients’, who have had monofocal intraocular lenses implanted, usually need to wear glasses for near-vision activity like reading.

- Multifocal Lens
Multifocal intraocular lens is designed for both near and distance vision. If this type of IOL implanted in patient’s eye then dependency on glasses is less.
- Toric Lens
Toric lens mainly helps to correct Astigmatism. Toric IOLs have different powers in different areas of the lens that line up with the patient’s vision correction requirements. Toric lenses are adjusted to facilitate distance vision.